After blogging consistently for an extended period of time, you’re bound to run into some content generation roadblocks. If you’re severely lacking blog inspiration, you might be in need of some blog post building blocks — general ideas that can be tailored to your particular industry and expertise. Try one of these blog topics to reinvigorate your blogging efforts.

  1. Create a how-to. Put together an easy-to-follow list on how a client can achieve a goal or result that you’re familiar with. This is a way for you to share information on what your business does best. What may seem easy or obvious to your employees may be challenging for others outside your industry.
  1. Report industry news. What’s hot in your industry? Sharing current events and updates relevant to your niche shows that your business is up to date with what’s happening. By adding your own viewpoints and opinions to these posts, you can also build thought leadership.
  1. Highlight a team member and their expertise. Showcase a member of your company who can share advice and information with readers. It gives your clients a chance to get to know the people behind your business and your team member the opportunity to share unique insight on a topic they are passionate about.
  1. Answer a commonly asked question. Do your clients frequently struggle with certain issues more than others? Provide solutions for these common problems and share your business’s expertise. Doing so will establish trust between the reader and your brand.
  1. Compare two or more products or services. If you are familiar with a variety of similar products or services, create a post on the pros and cons of each, along with your thoughts and opinions on which is better. Clients who are on the fence about which one they should use will value an outside opinion to aid them in their decision making.
  1. Put together a best-of list. Everyone wants the best, right? Use your expertise to create lists of top products, resources, or services that your audience is likely to be interested in. Your clients will appreciate the convenience of having the information compiled in a single source.
  1. If all else fails, repurpose. Reusing your content is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Find an old post that performed well and repurpose it into something new. Whether you create a follow up, reformat an article into an infographic or SlideShare presentation, or update a post with new information, giving a new spin to an old article will make your content go farther.

When combined with your company’s unique skills and expertise, these different types of blog posts put the needs of current and potential clients first. Creating helpful content on these subjects can keep your ideas flowing and provide readers with the information they want.

Article Topic Ideas


Want more content ideas? Download this free list of article topic ideas, ranging from the easy to implement to more advanced topics that can fuel your success.