
An elusive luxury to most and misunderstood by many, the ultimate perceived status symbol of wealth and freedom is a private jet. For the last several years, my team and I have had the unique opportunity to gain a “peek behind the curtain” into the private jet industry with our awesome clients.

Marketing a high-value item like a private jet is a complicated task. The going rate of a private jet can range from $3 million to $90 million and up. So, promoting these beasts isn’t like slinging Girl Scout cookies, by any stretch.

Our client relies on us to provide guidance and implementations that drive real results that most couldn’t deliver.

There are some deeply valuable marketing insights I wanted to share with you today that I’ve personally gained from working the aviation industry and translate perfectly into the modern era.

No matter what industry you’re in — pay close attention — I guarantee there’s something tangible to obtain here.

The vehicle

A jet is intended to get you from point A to point B.

It’s a vehicle that transports you to a desired destination.

Your sales and marketing message is no different. If built correctly, it’s a vehicle that will land you in the desired destination for your business. If your vehicle is broken, your end results will suffer. Most professionals genuinely struggle with their sales and marketing message because they are way too close to what they do and aren’t applying feedback directly from their market to filter out what they thought their message should be.

That’s like manufacturing an incredibly costly plane before asking jet buyers what they want, love, and need to benefit from it.

Risky business …

Think of manufacturing an aircraft with broken components. If the engine is out of whack, obviously, it won’t fly! Or, it may fly initially, but could result in a fiery crash.

Your current marketing message has major broken components, and you don’t even realize it. Not only from the aforementioned, but also in the way you’re constructing your marketing vehicles. I’m not just talking about your website homepage here, people! Think about your personal and company social profiles, how you are perceived in person, emails, and other digital content. It should all be constructed in congruency with the right messaging.

Broken vehicles do not transport the goods!

The fuel

What good is a $75 million Gulfstream G700, if it just sits on the runway?

Completely worthless for the most part.

You need jet fuel for takeoff and long travel.

So does your sales and marketing message. You could have the most life-changing product or service in the world, but without the fuel to support the transport of it — it might as well not exist.

Content is the fuel that makes modern sales and marketing engines fly.

Most people misunderstand what this means and believe that spamming your channels with vapid industry produced content (that’s not even their own) will drive the right awareness.

That’s not the case at all.

Your content needs to come from you and your team, and be presented in a way that consistently highlights your expertise to customers. There’s more than enough noise out there; the only way you’re going to deliver your message with impact is if it’s authentic to you.

We recommend what we like to refer to as the “transformative marketing trifecta” to give your channels a healthy dosage of delivery.

  • Written articles
  • Graphic & animated posts
  • Videos (interview style is one of our favorites!)

In today’s world, you really need all three to make the marketing vehicle run fast and better than competitors.

Think of all the different fluids that go into an aircraft to make it fly. If one’s not topped the right way, the whole engine could fail. Without regularly scheduled, multiple forms of content in your marketing efforts there is no way to fly high and for long distances.

The runway

All flights eventually lead back to the runway (unless something’s gone horribly wrong).

All eyes from your marketing efforts must also have an eventual place to land.

Your website is a great example! You may be losing large sales here and other digital marketing or sales pages, and not even realizing it. Not only because of your lack of awareness, but in the way you’re structuring your “runways.”

A broken runway does not safely land a plane.

Your broken runway is resulting in missed sales opportunities. Whether your marketing efforts are driving potential clients to your website, landing pages, or other valuable resources — timing, need, money, and opportunity all have to align in the right way to result in your prospects reaching out to you at that point in time.

1. You need to make sure it’s optimal when the timing is right, and you have their attention! Make sure your CTAs (calls to action) clearly explain the value they will get by contacting you.

On our website, for example, we like to use a simple “what I need fast” form at the top of our homepage. It helps explain to prospects what we have to help them, but also calls out what they may need at that time.

It’s very simple and converts great!

Rather than what’s most widely used, like a generic “contact us” form. Bleh! There’s a number of ways to use this feature. We also provide opt-in offers like no-cost training, resources, case studies — pure, usable value depending on that particular marketing funnel.


2. What about those who don’t reach out right away?

Retargeting is key!

Sometimes people land and take off again without taking action, or again, the timing just wasn’t right.

Don’t rely on just Google Analytics data to tell you the number of visitors on your pages. Use more strategic tools built for B2B sales like ConvertAVisit on your sites to identify what companies are landing there. This way you can retarget them on LinkedIn and other channels through paid ads. Otherwise, you’re losing those additional sales & marketing opportunities from an unnecessary lack of data.

The world of private aviation can be mysterious and obscure to many, but your marketing strategies should not be. If you’ve taken the right steps to define the components of your vehicle, fuel, and runway for a smooth landing, you’re moving in the right direction.

Keep in mind, nothing great — like a sexy private jet — was built overnight. Sustainable marketing strategy takes time to implement and a great brand no different. But you have to take action on it right away.

What thoughts came to mind as you read this article? Share in the comments below and make sure to send this article to someone else who would find it valuable.

If you already know that you and your team need help reinventing your marketing mix for the modern era, stop waiting around while competitors steal market share from you. Contact us today for a no-cost expert consultation to begin the process of building and amplifying your brand in the most profitable way.

Author: Connor Dube is Sales & Marketing Director at Active Blogs, an industry leader in B2B social selling and content strategy and Co-Founder of the Mile High Mentors Podcast. Building his first business at seven, he’s gone on to create multiple companies throughout his years in school and has helped his clients add multiple 8-figures to their sales pipeline with his innovative approach to Social Selling. As a current leader in sales and marketing strategy for complex industries, Connor’s been featured in top podcasts, resources, and stages, including MSU Denver’s current sales and marketing curriculum.

Contact Connor to be a speaker at your event, guest on your podcast, or guest blogger.